Small actions, BIG Impact!

Koh Gay's Eulogy on 3 Oct 17
by Vincent Chan from COOS

Pardon me if I appear a bit disorganised as I just wrote this eulogy on my Samsung Note while on the way here by bus to the wake. As I was praying on the bus, I changed the most appropriate words to describe KG as Small Actions, Big Impact from Fight the Good Fight.

On Sun, 1 Oct while I was in church worshipping at abt 9am, I opened my WhatsApp text from Bro Francis How, Chairman of Men@COOS sent to HealthServe grp chat at abt 7.30am that bro KG had passed on. That shocked me but the next text Bro Francis sent was how he passed on affected me so badly that I could not worship anymore, standing in church rather numb.

I got to know bro KG only barely a few months ago thru COOS. Being part of the Men@COOS network of abt 200 men, he came occasionally to some of our events. However, I came up real close with him when bro Marcus & I met him on 28 Aug at 2pm at CCK Econ Medicare Centre as m@c had partnered with HealthServe, a Voluntary Welfare Org that helps migrants in neglected cases.

We visited 3 injured migrants, 2 were from India & the other one from Bangladesh. We chatted with all 3, prayed for healing for their injuries on Mon, 28 Aug. Bro Koh Gay had such a intense heart in helping such neglected people in society as I saw his intensity when we prayed & chatted w them. He even bought food & drinks for the migrants. What surprised me most was his details by taking the time to serve them by printing from the internet in Tamil each a copy of the Daily Bread for them to read. As one Indian knew only Hindi, he even showed him rather patiently how to open up from his mobile phone to look for his Hindi language by guiding him thru the process. The Indians/Bangla responded to him so well.

Though I noticed he was a bit down & depressed, I didn't know anything abt his mental illness background at all as our focus was entirely on the migrants.

Based on last nite's Eulogy from Ps Alvin,  his godson Jeremy & tonight's eulogy fr Annie & Anne, it appears so natural & for KG to express such DETAILS of C&C - Care & Concern & love for others in need, esp the Lost, Least & Last (3Ls) in these migrants & special needs kids. But his Labour of love will NOT be forgotten & not in vain for sure. 1 Cor 15:58.

Between last nite & this morning, I received a flurry of text paying tribute to bro KG. I'll like to read a few here so that it encourages the entire body of Christ, consisting of his family in Lisa his sister & brother in law ps Lim JH & Theodore his son, the ACS network of friends & our COOS friends & others here. Here's a few :

- Bro Marcus sms
- Bro CT's post on FB
- My sms in reply to CT FB post
- Phillip kwan sms

I understood from his ACS network of friends last nite that bro KG just dislikes Indians & banglas for whatever reasons in a majority Chinese population. That's why we needed to hv Reserved PE. Haha just a joke. Anyway, my short time with him in ministering to migrants was the Holy Spirit revealed to me such a precious gem in a great heart & soul w ABSOLUTELY no trace of bias or colour coded basis but instead just pouring out unconditional love. Such authencity indeed. God is certainly pleased & smiling in Heaven for such a heart. Tho I knew KG a short time, my life is impacted by this moment of truth as if I knew him more than 20 years.

Lastly, I'd like to end w 2 quotes :
- Mother Theresa
- Neil Armstrong

KG might not appear to be a giant in people's eyes as a tall skinny guy but he certainly is a giant in his godson, Jeremy's eyes, in his family's eyes, in the migrant's eyes, in my eyes for sure etc & most imptly he was a giant for God with his love, care & concern in small actions, big impact.

A study of many great men of God is who actually helped them will certainly shocked u. All of us love to see the Billy Grahams, Rhinehard Bonkkhes, DL Moody's, Apostle Paul, Peter the disciple of Jesus, the late Chuck Colson, Founder of PFI & it's former President etc in our churches but not many know that the people that helped these mighty men of God were rather "unknown" or "insignificant". A retired US pilot based in Spore now did weekly bible study with Chuck Colson while he was in prison in US for almost 3 years before his release. Chuck upon his release from prisons founded PFI - Prison Fellowship International which has affiliate PF in now more than 130 countries. This retired US pilot did small actions but certainly had great impact thru Chuck's life in now more than 130 countries. Barnabas & Andrew were relatively "unknown" but they were responsible for bringing giants with nurturing like Apostle Paul & Peter that turned world "upside down". Where are the people like the retired US pilot, the Andrews, the Barnabas, the Koh Gays to be found in churches. Bro KG is liken to the modern version of the Andrews & the Barnabas of today that's needed to exhort & build the Body of Jesus Christ with small faithful & loving actions but with big impact.

May God bless KG who is in a better place, his hearty sister Liza Chang & his mom, his steady & steadfast bro in law Ps Lim Jen Huat & his wonderful son Theodore, godson Jeremy, his loved ones, ACS network & friends who have kindly supported KG. We can certainly rejoice in the work that KG has done. Thank you & God bless.


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