Sharing from Mei Koh, Sunshine Ministry @ COOS.

Good Evening family, relatives and friends of Koh Gay,

My name is Mei Koh, I oversee Sunshine Ministry in Church of Our Saviour, the ministry that koh Gay served for the last three years. I got to know him in July this year when I joined church full time. Sunshine ministry serves children with special needs.

My heart is heavy and sorrowful at the departure of Koh Gay, who has been very dear to many of us in Church of Our Saviour, but we take comfort that he is now resting in the arms of our lovely Father in eternity without pain and suffering. 

For all these 30 years, inspite of his mental medical condition, he served selflessly - to his mother with dementia; in the church and outside church -  to reach out to the poor and needy.  Those who know Koh Gay would agree with me that he is a man full of compassion, kindness and gentleness. He never wanted to be a burden to anyone but always seek to bless and serve others.   

Koh Gay served in Sunshine Ministry with great commitment and dedication. He turned up promptly every pre-service preparation. I can remember clearly once he went all his way to different libraries to search for a right book to use in his teaching.  The great love and compassion he showered over these children and his attitude in serving truly revealed his true worship to the Lord in his walk of life. His caring image is forever imprinted in our heart.     
He was very passionate about the welfare of children with special needs. He was the first volunteer in COOS’s ministry to children with special needs 10 years ago. He told me we should pay attention to the use of terminology to respect the person with special needs and he spoke about the importance of parents being the leader in the ministry. He shared that we needed to find out what parents’ hope for their child to achieve in church were and he said that the purpose of Sunshine Ministry is not just running a good program but to build children’s self-esteem, to show acceptance and to communicate love to the children.  I say “Koh Gay, I hear you and I agree”.  He has blessed me as he has shaped my thoughts in the development for Sunshine Ministry.   

With so much he had done for others, who could comprehend the struggles he had went through …ALL THESE 20 over YEARS… but he had served faithfully till his last breath in his capability. In pain and suffering, in joy and tears, he had lived a life richly and meaningfully, for himself and for others. 


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